I can help you get it right.
Could you use some assistance with a piece of writing? I love helping people achieve their goals for their writing, and I’d be happy to work with you on either your long-form project or something shorter, including an important letter or email.
Getting a second pair of eyes on your work can make a huge difference in its quality—and a pair of eyes with experience is ideal. In addition to writing professionally for over 20 years now, I have also worked as an editor in a variety of professional environments. I’ve been a section editor for both a business trade magazine and a weekly newspaper, and I worked as a staff writer and editor for an in-house publications group at Drexel University. As a lesson reviewer for Study.com I edited dozens of essays on a wide range of topics, from architecture to early childhood education. Currently I am a reader for Hippocampus, a magazine of creative nonfiction, offering feedback on submissions to the flash creative nonfiction section. I hold a Certificate in Editing from Temple University.
Copy editing
I have years of experience with copy editing and line editing, which means I can do things like spruce up language usage and punctuation, correct typos, suggest stronger word choices, and improve clarity and flow. I have edited text for both print and the web and am comfortable in both formats.
Substantive editing
I would also be pleased to do more substantive editing for your project. This means that I will provide feedback on a piece of writing that is still in progress, to help you strengthen the narrative and structure and make your writing voice more consistent. This work is typically more involved than copy editing and tends to take longer.
Get in touch with me!
I don’t charge a set rate since projects vary, but to get an idea of the average editor’s rate per hour and working pace, take a look at this chart drawn up by the Editorial Freelancers Association. I offer more flexible rates for nonprofit and mutual aid organizations, so just ask!
If you think you’d like to hire me, please fill out the form below and describe your project, your timeline, and the kind of support you need. Don’t send the text you’d like me to edit just yet. I’ll respond to your message promptly and we’ll discuss how to proceed from there.